Multiple ways to make an impact


ST LUKE’S MINISTRY ministers to the sick and physically impaired. Through their afflictions, they may see God’s loving concern and be drawn to seek Him and know their need for God in their lives.

The TOUCH MINISTRY offers spiritual counseling, healing, and deliverance prayers to members of the community.

The GOOD SAMARITAN MINISTRY aims to give care and support to our brothers and sisters who are in need. The members of the Ministry visit orphanages, homes for the aged, juvenile centers, hospitals and offer feeding programs, relief, and financial assistance, livelihood projects, and spiritual counseling.

MISSION 5000 The youth members are encouraged to save from their own allowances in order to buy a “Jollibee” food pack to give to street children.

Daughter Communities are outreach communities of the Pastoral Ministry where they can experience how to plant and handle communities.

Market Place by the Brethren Ministry is an annual gift-giving event to the “least among my brethren.” The latter are made to experience shopping as a family in a “department store-like” venue, which makes this a more meaningful way of receiving gifts rather than being handed dole-outs. Additionally, they can consult the LF medical, dental teams for their specific health needs.

Scholarship Program by the Brethren Ministry is scholarship support for the Community’s young members who need financial assistance to complete their schooling.







" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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