“USA Mission – First Week” May 28, 2023

What has Sis Techie Rodriguez and the Mission Team been up to on their first week? Here’s a snapshot of their activities in Los Angeles from May 26 up to May 28  (Pentecost Sunday).

On May 26, Sis Techie’s first priority was to visit the gravesite of her mother, Sis. Ennie Molina. Unfortunately, she did not have the chance to attend the interment because of the pandemic. She was accompanied by her sister, Mary, Bro Froilan Hong, Sis Judith Almendrala , Bro Jess Advincula and Sis Monina Letargo, LA Chapter.

On the evening of the same day, the LF Los Angeles Chapter held their first General Assembly/Praise & Worship in four years at the Burbank residence of her sister Marita. It was attended by three (3) stewards: Bro. Jimmy Esplenada, Sis. Janette Dequito, and Sis Monina Letargo. Moreover, a total of fourteen (14) members were there while an additional 4 members attended virtually. Sis Techie discussed the topic “Following Jesus.”  Then, a fellowship ensued sharing sumptuous food for everyone to enjoy.



On May 27 (Saturday), Sis. Techie and Bro. Froi went to Santa Barbara to attend the Molina family reunion.

Finally, on May 28 (Pentecost Sunday), Sis Techie sent video greetings to everyone in Manila.  They were accompanied to the St. Finbar Church by a dedicated companion Lito Nuval of LA Chapter. Sunday was also a fun day as the LA members energetically brought them around to the “Farmers Market” and “Urban Light”, to name a few.


To God be the Glory!

Written by: Sis Jo Advincula

Edited by:  Sis. Vera Tuplano (Scribes Ministry)


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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