TLF East Hub: Praise and Worship March 14, 2025

The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community East Hub excitedly and joyfully gathered on 14 March 2025 at the St. Therese of the Child Jesus Formation House. It was another Friday praise and worship activity for an evening of worship, prayer, Bible study, reflection and celebration of faith as one community of followers of Christ.

Prior to the main activities, the workers recited the Binding Prayer to seek God’s guidance for the success of the gathering.

The amiable and lively May Barcita, Chapter steward, emceed the gathering which was attended by forty-seven (47) members. Both youth and adult members engaged in the activities. Also in attendance were East Hub Steward, Gemma Alcantara, and inspiring advisers – Charlie Ordonez, Bert Gamez, and Maro and Rene Anyog.

Nikkie Casambros (Psalm Ministry) led the congregation in joyfully offering overwhelming gratitude and praise to the Lord.

The first-time attendees were cordially welcomed with smiles, handshakes and heartfelt greetings; moreover, they were invited to join as regular members while the Music Ministry sang “I Love you with the Love of the Lord.”

As the highlight of the event, Boy Tan, Steward of Heralds Ministry, delivered an inspirational talk about the topic, “When God is Silent.”  He shared his reflections and experiences on how God did (and did not) answer his prayers. He emphasized the importance of a daily reading of the Scripture and a meaningful prayer life to achieve a deep and personal relationship with Jesus. These are important to understand the ways by which God communicates with us in our daily lives.

Before the community members called it a night, they continued with fellowship while they partook of a sumptuous dinner prepared by the tandem of Jo Panong and Mary Jane Martinez. They have been extending the food preparation service for the last 3 years, with assistance from Annie Batista and Ana Lim.

Finally, Genny Ruanto and Susan Navarro announced the forthcoming events and works of the community and gave out invitations and flyers.

Praise God for the blessing of the TLF Community!



To God be the glory!

SCRIBES Ministry

Written by: Lorelai J. Grutas

Photo credits: Julie Bruan

(TLF East Hub)


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