Spirit Empowerment Seminar – United Kingdom (Mission UK and Spain Part 3) May 6, 2023

Sis Techie Rodriguez (Sor), Elder-Founder of The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community  arrived at St. Bede’s Church for the Spirit Empowerment Seminar (SES). TLF Basingstoke, Birmingham and Winchester Chapter members warmly welcomed Sor while they tried to catch a moment with her. They openly professed that they had sorely missed her. Subsequently, the attendees were filled with anticipation to hear the Word of God and to be baptized in the Holy Spirit.

The Basingstoke Chapter led by Bro. Mark delos Reyes, Sis.Monalisa Fortaleza, Bro. Dominic Garcia, Sis. Dolores Napugan ably organized the SES, together with Bro. Ruel & Sis. Anna Catubay (Birmingham Chapter) and Liza Franco (Winchester Chapter).

The hall was filled with over 50 participants: 30 LF adult members, 18 youth & children, and 8 guests/seekers. The SES was also blessed by the presence of by Fr. John (St. Bede’s Church).

Sor as a preacher, teacher, and elder lit a fire among the participants and members alike with her animated way of exhorting God’s word. Truly, Sor nourished the starving souls through exhortation and proclamation of God’s love, mercy, and power. As a teacher, she passed on her teachings/knowledge with simplicity and practicality. She expounded on the four basic truths and the Community’s praise and worship. As TLF spiritual mother, she keenly displayed her love, care, and affection. Sor even cracked jokes, shared funny situations, disclosed her old and renewed life through a lifetime of service to the Lord. Lastly, the participants remained actively engaged throughout the seminar.

Finally, Sor performed the Baptism of the Holy Spirit to eight (8) new members, who became emotional and had tears in their eyes. Sor urged them to repent, commit to God, and pray unceasingly for the fruit of the Holy Spirit.


To God be the Glory!



Photo credits: Mark delos Reyes, Liza Franco

Written by: Sis Jo Advincula (Scribes) &

Bro Mark de los Reyes (UK Chapter)

Edited by:  Sis Vera I. Tuplano


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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