Mission Rome (Day 4): Global Gathering of Leaders: Holy Mass and Fellowship Dinner (Part 4: February 3, 2023)

Written by: Sis Jo Advincula

Scribes Ministry


Sis Techie Rodriguez, Elder-Founder of the Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community (TLF) had the distinct honor to be invited to the Global2033 Gathering of Leaders at Vatican City, Rome. On February 2 & 3, Sis Techie attended the Holy Mass and joined the Fellowship Dinner with 75 leaders and founders of Christian organizations all over the world. She was so happy to be reunited with her friends from her previous 7-year stint at the Vatican as Treasurer of the Catholic Fraternity of Covenanted Communities and Fellowships, to name a few: Henry Capello (Executive Director of the Global2033 Gathering) and wife Dr. Sabina, Michelle Moran (former President of ICCRS – International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services), Prof. Matteo Calisi (former President of the Catholic Fraternity), Bp. Andrzej Siemieniewski, Manouj Sunny (Head of Jesus Youth International), and Rev. Darrell Wentworth. Sis Techie was accompanied by Sis. Grace Pancho and Bro. Joey Molina (Head Stewards of TLF Evangelize Ministry) and Sis Joy Molina (Steward of LF Las Vegas Chapter). Watch out for more updates from Mission Rome!


(Photo Credits: Sis Grace Pancho)


To God be the Glory


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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