Mary-Union Tayo  Las Vegas Chapter, Feb 24, 2024

The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community is celebrating its 38th anniversary in April 2024. Various activities have been planned by LF Main Center in the Philippines; these are also being cascaded to all the Chapters, local and international. The Las Vegas Chapter under the leadership of Joey and Joy Molina has kicked off the celebrations with “Mary-Union Tayo,” a program that invites all members from the early years, in the nineteen eighties, up to the present to come together, and catch up, and celebrate this milestone.


The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community in Las Vegas was started by Doris del Pilar in June 2005. They held their initial meetings occasionally at her residence.

In 2011, Joey and Joy Molina moved to Las Vegas. Through the direction of Lord’s Flock’s Elder, Techie “Soar” Rodriguez, they joined and helped the Chapter have consistent weekly gatherings. They were then commissioned Stewards in 2012. Thus, the chapter started with two leaders and five attendees every Friday.


Currently, the Chapter has grown to thirty (30) people who consistently attend the Praise and Worship every Friday evening in their Center located at the Asian Pacific Plaza.  As part of the 2024 TLF anniversary global event and the Community’s 2024 mission to ignite the love for Jesus, the Chapter immediately held the “Mary Union Tayo.”  The Chapter invited past and current members to gather on February 24, 2024, at the Molina residence in Summerlin, Nevada. There were about fifty people who joined the event and most met the others for the first time. A feast of Chinese food was served.

It was such a memorable event. Sis Joy gathered everyone in a circle to state their names, the year they joined, and who invited or welcomed them to the Community.  It was amazing to hear how the Lord had blessed the Las Vegas Chapter as each spoke about the different years when they started with the community.  A lot of memories and amusing and surprising stories led to new friends, new family, laughter, fun, and increased faith in the Lord.

As each one felt more comfortable with the other, party time commenced!  Most participated in singing karaoke, some played Sequence, a very exciting team game, while others chatted joyfully. Everyone enjoyed every moment of the occasion.


This event brought so much encouragement and hope as the Lord led each guest to re-commit and come back to the fold. They were all ignited to serve the Lord in different ministries. As the Chapter grows with more workers, the Praise & Worship can revive live music once again, as the music ministry members reunite for God. This is indeed a vision that they long to see and claim for 2024.

Indeed, God is just starting. The LF Las Vegas Chapter is praying for a Church that they can associate with this year, for more souls as the Lord adds to His flock. Truly, they are looking forward to more harvest, blessings, and miracles through the Las Vegas Chapter.


To God be the glory!

Scribes Ministry

Written by: Joy Molina

(Las Vegas Chapter Steward)



" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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