Las Vegas Chapter: Arrival and Praise and Worship (Elder’s Mission USA, Part 3A) November 8, 2024

The Lord’s Flock (TLF) Mission Team arrived in Las Vegas on November 5, 2024. Sis. Techie Rodriguez (Elder-Founder), along with Bro. Froilan Hong (Co-Founder), Alma Torres and Mel Capistrano, flew via Southwest Airlines from Burbank, CA to Las Vegas for a  one-week visit. Sis. Techie was guest speaker at the Las Vegas Chapter praise and worship  assembly on November 8, 2024. Thereafter, she will be the retreat master of the annual International Retreat on November 9 and 10, which is the highlight of her USA Mission.



Joy Molina, Las Vegas Chapter steward, warmly welcomed the group at the airport and brought them to Soar’s favourite Orchid Garden Chinese restaurant for a delightful dimsum lunch. She and Joey Molina graciously accommodated Soar and her team in their home.



On Nov. 8, Friday, Soar and the team gathered for a praise and worship session with the Las Vegas Chapter. It was a time of fellowship and spiritual nourishment as Soar discussed the topic “No Waste in Praise”.



The Las Vegas Chapter leaders and members truly appreciated Soar’s teaching and the time for some personal catching-up with one another.

To God be the glory!

SCRIBES Ministry

Written by: Joy Molina

Las Vegas Steward


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