Hong Kong Chapters: FACING2025 & 35th ANNIVERSARY 30 – 31 JANUARY 2025

The Hong Kong Chapters of the Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community held their “FACING 2025” ceremony and their 35th Anniversary Celebration on 30 & 31 January 2025, respectively, at the Notre Dame College Hall in Ma Tau Wai, Kowloon. Elder–Founder Techie “Soar” Rodriguez and Co-Founder Bro. Froilan Hong flew to Hong Kong together with Lea Tapispisan (Head Steward, Service Ministry), Mel Capistrano (Steward, Service Ministry) and the Advincula Family (Jess – Sower Ministry, Jo – Scribes Ministry, and Jomel – Media) to personally lead the consecration rites for the 2025 leaders and workers and greet them on their milestone anniversary.

Facing 2025, 30 January 2025

The six (6) Hong Kong Chapters consists of: St. Anthony, St. Alfred, Holy Family Saturday, Holy Family Sunday, Notre Dame, and Saints Peter & Paul. The leaders and members numbering one hundred twenty-two (122) eagerly welcomed Soar and her mission team at the Notre Dame College Hall with praise songs and a bouquet of flowers.

As per the standard “Facing” program, Soar and Bro. Froi gave recognition to the leaders and workers of 2024 by giving them individual certificates of appreciation. Soar commended the Hong Kong Chapters for their unique evangelization programs and their success in planting new chapters. They proudly gave “The Most Generous Award” to the Hong Kong Chapters, who have been consistent in giving the highest tithes and love offerings to the Community. Soar asked the members who have been with the Community for 30+years to receive the award. Conversely, the Hong Kong Chapters honored the Elders – Founders with Certificates of Appreciation and gifts.

Subsequently, Bro. Froi shared the highlights and accomplishments of 2024 which also included the community’s financial report and an update on the Heritage construction. Bro. Froi aptly wrapped up the 2024 Report with Psalm 126:3 “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!”

Thereafter, Mik R. Flores (newly appointed Head Servant for the 5-fold Ministry) joined by zoom and gave a few words; she encouraged them to further expand God’s kingdom and be an inspiration to others.

The much-anticipated highlight of the day was Soar’s announcement and consecration of the 2025 Chapter Stewards, Coordinators and Small Group Leaders. She reiterated that as God is lifting the Community, the leaders and members should have humility; God’s people must decrease so that God will increase.

The following were appointed as Chapter Stewards:

  • Notre Dame: Cristine Majhen
  • Anthony – Chello Anog
  • Holy Family (Choi Hung – Saturday) – Susan Galon, Lari Diaz
  • Holy Family (Choi Hung – Sunday) – Helen A. del Mundo
  • Alfred –Dolly Sanchez
  • Saints Peter & Paul – Lourdes Tuzon

The stewards, coordinators and small group leaders signed their consecration letters, were anointed with oil, and then stood in a cross formation in the center aisle holding their candles.  Soar and Bro. Froi led the consecration rites. They ended the ceremony by singing the “Servant Song.” This was followed by the upbeat song, “Celebrate” wherein everyone went around hugging one another.

Transition 2025 – “Walk with Me”

Soar shared the theme for 2025. She was inspired by the Lord and the Holy Spirit through a song that she was listening to as she was praying, “Walk with Me.” She explained that as Tatay, Soar, and Bro. Froi are gaining in years, they need young people to assist them in steering the path of the Community. As the transition in the community happens, the leaders will need to walk with Jesus.

Hong Kong Chapter Celebrates their 35th Anniversary

The following day, 31 January 2025 was a celebration of the Lord’s Flock’s 35th year in Hong Kong. The first chapter was planted in St. Anthony Parish in 1990 (just 4 years after the founding of the Lord’s Flock in Manila).  The celebration drew one hundred twenty-seven attendees which included twelve guests.

At the start of the day, some members and guests shared their stories – trials, challenges and victories in their lives.  Soar was happy to hear their beautiful stories of how Jesus saved them. Hence, she customized her teaching to respond to their testimonies. She reminded them that everyone goes through trials. In fact, she and Tatay Bob had their own testings right after their renewal, and continue to have trials to this day. God has a purpose for these trials – to correct the character or to remove false gods in their lives. However, throughout these challenges, they are all children of God, who are favored, blessed, and He will always be with them.

After enjoying fellowship over lunch, each of the Chapters showcased their talents/gifts through song and dance performances.

To further entertain all the members, Soar enjoined the stewards and her mission companions to also join the fun with an impromptu dance number. Moreover, Lea and Mel became instant game masters as the members played “Eh, Ikaw” and “Go left, right or center.” The winners received cash prizes sponsored by Soar.

Finally, everyone joined in a thanksgiving mass that was celebrated by Fr. William Meng. The Hong Kong Chapters bid their beloved Soar and her mission team ‘see you again soon!”  Truly, the two-day celebration was both spirit-filled and fun-filled.


To God be the glory!


Scribes Ministry

Written by:

Jo Advincula

(Steward, Scribes Ministry)

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