“Leaving for England” Mission UK and Spain Part 1- May 4, 2023

Guess what’s the big event happening in England on May 6, 2023? Is it the coronation of the king? No, guess again!  There is an even bigger event – Sis Techie  Rodriguez, Elder-Founder of The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community,  will be proclaiming the message of the Lord Jesus Christ, the KING of kings!

Sis Techie left Manila on May 4, for a 2-week Mission in England and Spain.  She was accompanied by her ever-faithful Mission companion, Sis Judith Almendrala (Steward of the Youth Ministry).  The Executive Committee, led by Bro. Froilan Hong, brought them to the airport with pa-baon of  prayers and wishes for a safe journey and a successful mission.


Her first stop is England, where Sis Techie will be holding a Spirit Empowerment Seminar in Basingstoke on May 6, Saturday, the first face-to-face seminar since the three-year pandemic travel restrictions.  The members of the four (4) Lord’s Flock Chapters, Basingstoke, Birmingham, Winchester and Bridgewater, are all excitedly awaiting their reunion with Soar, as they have missed her so much for the past 3 years.

To God be the Glory!

Photo credits: Jona Ramos and Judith Almendrala

Check out the Lord’s Flock website frequently for more updates!


Written by: Sis Jo Advincula

(Scribes Ministry)



" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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