Elder’s Outreach USA (Part 2): Spirit Empowerment Seminar Bakersfield & Los Angeles Chapters, Feb. 22, 2025

The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community: Bakersfield and Los Angeles Chapters organized a Spirit Empowerment Seminar last February 22 as part of the “Elder’s Outreach USA.” Sis. Techie Rodriguez (Soar), Elder and Founder with Sis. Judith Almendrala initiated the seminar at the parish hall of St. Francis Assisi Church. Soar was enthusiastically greeted by Gerard Parayno, MC Santos, Liza Fortun, Eden Gabriel (Bakersfield Chapter Stewards), and Jimmy Esplanada (Los Angeles Chapter Steward). Also included were the excited members from different ministries as well as potential seekers.

Moreover, the Psalm Ministry led the community in praise and worship which encouraged seekers to join the other members in dancing and singing. Then, everyone intently watched Sis Techie’s video about her local and international accomplishments and her depth of experience in expanding God’s kingdom through the charismatic movement.

Soar’s talk recounted the story of Jesus’ resurrection. Like the apostles, many believers feel orphaned after His ascension, but He assured that the Holy Spirit would guide them (Acts 1 and 2). Soar explained how the Holy Spirit has given everyone spiritual gifts; however, the church would be more vibrant if those gifts have been offered in service to others. Hence, relationship with God has been of utmost importance, and like the prodigal son, everyone needed to reunite and to establish their ties with God through worship and praise. Finally, she further enumerated the various ways to offer praise and to show gratitude to the Almighty God.

After the break, Soar shared her testimony about her conversion, from the time her mother convinced her to attend the charismatic movement. Her mother’s unwavering   faith in God was her utmost inspiration. She also spoke about the tumultuous period of her married life and how God through the Holy Spirit moved, transformed, and blessed them as a couple. Consequently, she detailed the process of the Baptism in the Spirit, what to expect, and how to be receptive during the divine experience.

After the Baptism in the Spirit, the attendees were welcomed with hugs and songs. A group picture was taken to commemorate the event and to earmark the experience for posterity. A hearty snack of “sopas” was served to keep everyone warm as the temperature dropped that day.

Indeed, another SES is officially in the books. God be praised!




To God be the Glory!


SCRIBES Ministry

Written by: John Ramos

(Bakersfield Chapter)


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