Elder’s Mission USA (Part 2B): West Coast Fellowship Bakersfield, March 2, 2024

It’s not all business when Elder–Founder Techie ‘Soar’ Rodriguez is in town. The Lord’s Flock (TLF) knows how to have fun, too. After Facing2024, the leaders of the West Coast Chapters planned a reception and fun activities for Soar and the mission team – Judith Almendrala (Head Steward, SERVE Ministry) & Ted Torres (Steward, SEND Ministry). The honorable guests were treated to a gathering of sorts, away from the formalities, and lighter ways to spend time together in fellowship.


Team Bowling

The first stop was at a local bowling alley in Bakersfield, CA. It was agreed that instead of the customary dining in a restaurant, bowling would be a unique and exciting team-building activity.

Led by the Chapter Stewards, Gerard Parayno (Bakersfield), Janette Dequito (LA), Joey and Joy Molina (Las Vegas), Mai Garcia (Daly City), the delegates converged to bowl the night away. A bevy of pin-crushers and gutter ball rollers formed teams that mixed the members from the different chapters. Playing together notwithstanding their chapters and their skill levels made the games a resounding success.


Sunday Lunch

The next day, Sunday, a lunch soiree was organized at the Park Square Clubhouse. This was made possible by a Chapter member, Kakai Becina Lynch. It might have been in the USA, but the dishes were all Filipino favorites (Seafood Kare-kare, Binagoongan-baboy, and Sarciadong Tilapia, to name a few). The lovely spring breeze at the poolside made it perfect.

Throughout, the gathering was made livelier by the humor-infused picture-taking. Soar was at the center of it all and enjoyed every minute.  The lighthearted conversations enabled everyone to get to know one another better and to build strong ties among the chapters.

Of course, what would a Filipino party be without dancing? All the chapters repeated their dance performances from the previous event; but this time, all the members joined the dancing. The highlight was a dance number performed to the song “Dahil Sa’yo” by the Bakersfield Chapter in 2015. The song’s lyrics resonated with every Christian worker as they were apt in describing the right mindset in performing the work that needs to be done for the Lord.

The party was punctuated by a prayer; the teary-eyed Soar asked for blessings and strength for all the leaders and for herself in what lies ahead. The visiting chapters were accompanied to their cars as they bid their goodbyes. Soar and her team were the last ones to leave together with the LA team.

Soar’s West Coast mission was indeed successful and will bear many fruits for those who participated. The onus is on the leaders now to ignite their chapters, bring back the lapsed members, and discover new seekers.


To God be the glory!


Scribes Ministry

Written by: Bro. John Ramos

(TLF Bakersfield)


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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