Elder’s Mission USA (Part 2): Facing 2024 West Coast, March 2, 2024

Soars’ arrival in California was the first leg of her USA Mission to pastor all the chapters on the west coast from Edmonton, Canada to Los Angeles, USA. She stayed in Los Angeles until their trip to Bakersfield on Saturday, March 2nd, where all the Chapters converged.   Sis Techie “Soar” Rodriguez (Elder-Founder of the Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community) arrived to spearhead the annual event, “Facing 2024.” The aim was to anoint and instruct upcoming leaders of this year’s mission and equip them in their different ministries. This event was very much anticipated by everyone for it has been 5 years since she last conducted “Facing” (just before the start of the pandemic). The members of The Lords Flock (TLF) Community eagerly gathered to meet their beloved elder/founder face-to-face at this important event and to hear her inspirational message about “IGNITE2024,” the thrust of the Community for the year.

Awarding of 2023 Leaders  

Despite the rainy morning and the long drive, the delegates from Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and Daly City, and Edmonton, enthusiastically came to attend the event. They were warmly greeted by the host, Bakersfield Chapter, who served refreshments and snacks to ease their fatigue. Soar’s arrival was met with much fanfare and revelry as US chapters had not seen her in a long time.

The event started with the honoring of the 2023 leaders with Certificates of Appreciation.  Moreover, Special Awards were given: Leadership Award to Janice Dequito (Los Angeles Chapter); Generosity Award to Joey & Joy Molina (Las Vegas Chapter) and Maria Roy (Daly City); Appreciation Award to Janis Daigan (Bakersfield Chapter), and Evangelizer Award to Bakersfield Chapter for establishing ties with three parishes.

Thereafter, she presented videos to update the audience on the activities of the international chapters and the groundbreaking work that furthers the Lord’s kingdom. The videos highlighted God’s blessings on their work and how Soar inspired them to fulfill their task of evangelization. Next, Soar updated the members about the Heritage construction progress and thanked them for their assistance; she also expressed her gratitude to her partners in mission.


Facing 2024

Subsequently, Sis Techie shifted her topic to leadership and shared  her expectations from the TLF community leaders. Using the biblical scriptures, she reminded them about the rewards of doing God’s work and the penalties if the tasks are neglected. Lastly, she revealed the theme IGNITE ’24, and urged them to ensure that the fire and passion for the Lord and for service be kept continually ablaze. She also provided leadership roles that the community leaders must have, such as being representatives of the flock, leading by example, and being the source of strength, to name a few.

Wrapping things up, SOAR finished her talk by praising the efforts of several leaders who opened new chapters in their areas.

Finally, Soar announced the new leaders for 2024, starting with the Execom, the International Stewards, and the USA Chapter Stewards. The new leaders swore an oath and were anointed by Soar. After that, they stood together to form the shape of a cross. Soar made her final blessing to the new leaders by sprinkling them with Holy Water.

The event was much appreciated by all the members who had waited many years to experience FACING all together once again. The presence of the elder-founder IGNITED their love for the community after having struggled with reviving face-to-face meetings and losing some members. With Soar leading the way, the new leaders were inspired to restart aggressive evangelization efforts. The event provided the spark to look forward with a new fervor and vigor in the work of evangelization.


To God be the glory!


Scribes Ministry

Written by: John Ramos

(TLF Bakersfield)




" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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