Elder’s Mission UAE (Part 6): Fellowship Dinner of Small World, Pre-teens, New Gen with Lola Soar Feb 18, 2024

Sis. Techie “Soar” Rodriguez, Elder-Founder of The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community arrived in Dubai for FACING2024. As part of her visit, she wanted to meet the young generation of TLF UAE Community for she considers them the community’s future.

So, they invited her to a fun-filled dinner and bonding time at Pizza Company, Reef Mall in Dubai. The fellowship created an opportunity for Lola Soar (as they fondly call her) to let the young generation ask important questions, eat together, and receive her teachings and blessings.

Soar and her Mission team arrived in an atmosphere overflowing with excitement and chatter from the children and they were greeted cheerfully as they entered the restaurant. The Emcees, Miguel Pelaez, Zach Sagarino, Lloyd Sagarino, Levon Dcosta, Gabrielle Labial, Gabrielle Malinao, and Jaslyn Dcosta (from the New Gen) introduced themselves and requested Raphaelle Grace (Small World) to lead the opening prayer.

Shortly after, the Small World, Pre-teens, and New Gen each did their share of presentations to Soar that entertained and created a fun atmosphere. Next, Soar gave her message to the children and their parents. She also gave a preview of the new curriculum that is going to be implemented for them this year.

After that, the children asked very important questions about faith, prayers, TLF community and she delivered powerful answers that satisfied the children.

The coordinators, Maria Cabardo and Queenie Labial, gave her a Token of Appreciation which was followed by photo ops with the children and parents.

The closing prayer was special because, for the first time, Lola Soar asked all the children to individually say a prayer for her.

After the prayer, the children ate their dinner of delicious pizza and chicken meals with Lola Soar.

This event made everyone happy, especially Lola Soar. The Community was very thankful for her sharing of her wisdom and blessing to the young generation.


Written by: Lloyd Van Gabriel Sagarino

(UAE Chapter New Gen)


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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