The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community (TLF) Hong Kong Chapter was extremely grateful to God for bringing Elder-Founder Sis. Techie “Soar” Rodriguez to Hong Kong for a five-day mission and pastoral visit amid her hectic schedules. Soar makes it a point to meet with the international chapters at least once a year to know first-hand the condition of the flock. Specifically for the Hong Kong Chapter, she conducted “Facing2024” (consecration of all leaders, coordinators, small group leaders), a retreat for all the members, and baptism in the Holy Spirit for the new members who had completed the Spirit Empowerment Seminar.

June 7th, Friday: Mission Team Arrival

Soar arrived in Hong Kong on Friday noon, accompanied by the equally unfaltering Co-Founder, Bro. Froilan Hong, Lea Tapispisan (Head Steward, Pastor Ministry) and Mel Capistrano (Pastoral Leader).  They were ardently welcomed by Lari Diaz (Steward, Choi Hung Saturday Chapter) and ushered to their hotel.  They were met at the hotel by Jo Advincula (Steward, Scribes Ministry) who arrived in Hong Kong a few days earlier with her son, Jomel (Communications Ministry) for a late lunch of Beijing cuisine.

June 8th Saturday: Baptism in the Holy Spirit

The first item on the pastoral agenda was a visit to the Choi Hung Saturday Chapter, at the Holy Family Parish. The coordinators of the Host Ministry delightfully welcomed Soar and her mission team with flowers and hugs; they were also excited to have photos taken with her. Soar performed the Baptism in the Holy Spirit for the three (3) candidates who had successfully completed the Spirit Empowerment Seminar. Soar zealously reminded them about the four (4) Basic Truths (the spiritual laws that govern Christian life), the Great Commission, the Fruits of the Holy Spirit and the heart and essence of being baptized in the Holy Spirit.  She concluded with the Baptism prayer over the three (3) candidates who in turn, professed their faith in Christ and received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Subsequently, two of the three candidates shared their personal experiences: through the Seminar, they learned to let go of past hurts, to forgive and to trust God to be with them always.  Overall, both the candidates and the members felt remarkably blessed by the Lord!

  June 9th Sunday: FACING 2024

            The second day was devoted to the most awaited “Facing 2024.” It was held at the hall of the Notre Dame Parish and participated in by one hundred eighteen (118) representatives from the six (6) chapters: St. Anthony, Notre Dame, Choi Hung Sunday, St. Alfred and Sts. Peter & Paul, and Choi Hung Saturday.  Once again, Soar and the mission team were gleefully welcomed by the Stewards: Christine Majhen, Chello Anog, Dolly Sanchez and Lourdes Tuzon.

Soar and Bro. Froi spent an hour before the day’s program commenced to have a discussion with the stewards; she extended to them their heartwarming pastoral care of listening to their concerns, providing counsel, empathy, encouragement and guidance. Discussions on certain community concerns were tackled and appropriately addressed.

Tess Manongsong, moderator for the day, started with an opening prayer; this was followed by praise and worship led by the Psalm and Koros Ministries.  Then, she introduced Soar via a video which summarized Soar’s life since her renewal and her leadership roles.

Soar, having a huge heart of a “good shepherd,” acknowledged first, the new LF members and guests. Soar asked each one to briefly share how they came to join the Lord’s Flock community; she offered words of encouragement to them to persistently pursue their spiritual journey.


Without further ado, Soar proceeded with “Facing2024”

  • The first part was the entrance of the 2023 leaders and coordinators, and the awarding of corresponding certificates of appreciation. Two (2) special awards were handed over: “Evangelizer Award” to the Hong Kong Chapters and “Leader of the Year Award” to Cristine Majhen (Steward, Notre Dame Chapter).


  • Secondly, Bro. Froi presented a comprehensive Annual Report, which highlighted what the Lord had done for the Global TLF Family in 2023 as well as the completion and inauguration of the Heritage Center Ministry Floor.
  • Third, Soar discussed the 2024 theme: “IGNITE.” While the said theme was clearly conveyed to all the leaders & members of the LF-Hong Kong Chapters since the start of 2024, Soar passionately put flesh on the bones of this challenging clarion call.

The day’s program was concluded with the celebration of the Holy Mass by Fr. Paul Vladimir Eustache, OMI and concelebrated by Fr. Luke Young, OMI.

June 10th Monday: Facing 2024 (continuation)

The 3rd day of the pastoral visit coincided with the statutory holiday of Hong Kong; hence, majority of the members were able to participate. It was a full-house at the Notre Dame Hall with one hundred nineteen (119) members and ten (10) guests.

The moderator for the day was Elsa Agari who led the opening prayer. Thereupon, the Psalm and Koros Ministries led the community in a fervent praise and worship. As Soar entered the hall, the community enthusiastically burst into an impromptu “Ignite” chant that completely delighted her.

Soar resumed her talk starting with a reprise of the annual themes from Facing 2020 to 2024: REFRAME, INNOVATE, PACESETTING, REKINDLE and IGNITE, respectively. Soar reiterated her instructions to not let the fire go out, to fan the flame and ignite the fire, and to make every person a mission field. 

The consecration rites for the 2024 leaders immediately took place. The entire ceremony was soul-stirring as the leaders were solemnly dedicated to God. The 2024 stewards who were anointed were: Chello Anog (St. Anthony), Cristine Majhen (Notre Dame), Lari Diaz and Susan Galon (in absentia) (Choi Hung – Saturday), Mary Jane Noneza and Helen del Mundo (Choi Hung – Sunday), Dolly Sanchez (St. Alfred) and Lourdes Tuzon (Sts. Peter and Paul). They were individually anointed with oil, and they signed their consecration letters. All the Chapter Coordinators were also announced.  They formed a cross in the center aisle, and with lighted candles, recited their vows to serve, and sang the “Servant Song”.


After partaking the community lunch, the program resumed at 2:00 P.M. Lea Tapispisan facilitated fun-filled ice-breaker games. Everyone enjoyed with hearty laughter which helped energize them for the next session.

Soar’s next teaching focused on the greatest “FIRE” that was ever ignited in this world: the fire that does not destroy structures, forests, or lives; rather, the fire that sets the hearts of men and women ablaze; the fire that started 2000 years ago and still burns bright to this day.

Soar’s last topic dealt on “Overcoming the Fear of Commitment” with emphasis on the invitation of Jesus to commit to Him to accomplish the hard work of the ministry, “for Jesus demands a focused commitment to Him” (Luke 9: 57-62). The participants were then instructed to break into groups of five (5) to  share the hindrances that keep them from fully committing to Jesus and His work. Subsequently, all the participants accomplished their “Commitment Letters” which indicated the specific tasks that they vowed to the Lord. Soar prayed fervently for them before they offered their letters to the altar.

Finally, all the stewards honored Soar with a simple offering of the Chapter’s deep appreciation for her dedicated care for them and her exemplary service to the Lord and the Community.  Soar exhorted everyone to love and serve one another and not to quench (or extinguish) the Holy Spirit.  She empathically urged everyone to let the fire (passion) be ablaze!  Lastly, the congregation emotionally sang the “Servant Song.”

June 11th Tuesday: Departure for Manila

Soar and the mission team were sent off at the airport with profound gratitude by Helen del Mundo (Steward, Choi Hung – Sunday), for their evening flight back to Manila. Indeed, Soar and Bro. Froi left an indelible mark on the hearts of all the members on how to be consumed with passion for God and serve Him.

To God be the Glory!


Written by: Helen Angeles – Del Mundo

(Scribes Ministry, Hong Kong Chapter)


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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