Elder’s Mission: International Retreat, USA (Part 2) Los Angeles Chapter, October 20, 2023

Touchdown in the City of Angels! Sis. Techie “Soar” Rodriguez, Elder-Founder of The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community, along with Bro. Froilan Hong (Co-Founder), Steward Judith Almendrala and Steward Alma Torres, arrived at Los Angeles Airport on October 20, 2023 for the first leg of their USA trip. With them was Bishop Honesto Ongtioco (Bishop of the Diocese of Cubao).  TLF members from the Los Angeles Chapter (headed by Sis. Janette Dequito) and Bakersfield Chapter (headed by Sis. Liza Fortun and Bro. Gerard Parayno) rolled out the red carpet, extending to the Mission Team a warm and enthusiastic welcome filled with smiling faces and open arms.  Soar’s sisters, Carmela and Marita were also thrilled to welcome her with flowers. The team’s arrival marked the beginning of a five-week mission to ignite and set in motion the faith of the members of the various international chapters.

Later that evening, Soar and the Mission team attended the Los Angeles Chapter’s weekly prayer meeting at the BVM Faith Formation Center in Glendale, CA. After singing the TLF Anthem and reciting the 10-Core Values, the Psalm Ministry, led by Sis. Evelyn Nuval, sang “Wake”, declaring that Jesus is in our hearts forever. This was followed by the song “Praise”, proclaiming that we will keep praising the Lord as long as we are breathing. The Community then sang “Goodness of God” an offering of our best to God who is always good and faithful to us.

Bro. Froi then expressed his utmost joy to see that the Los Angeles and Bakersfield Chapters continue to demonstrate a remarkable sense of camaraderie and unity, as well as their unwavering support for the Elders of the community.

Thereafter, everyone became engrossed with  Sis. Techie’s teaching about the “Law of Expectation” as it pertains to life’s seemingly never-ending trials.  She explained that when Jesus said “Let it be done for you according to your faith” (Matthew 9:29), Jesus meant that we overcome life’s trials only to the extent that we believe He will help us succeed.  Whoever has doubts is condemned, because this is not from faith; and whatever is not from faith is sin (Romans 14:23). Thus, we need to increase our faith (Luke 17:5). The way we increase our faith, Soar explained, is through life’s tests and trials. The trials that we continuously face every day are faith-building opportunities.

We rejoice today, not only because Soar and the Mission Team are off to a great start, but also because we know that through our faith, God Himself will restore, confirm and strengthen us (1 Peter 5:10)!

To God be the glory!

Written by: Bro. Arlo Dequito (LA Chapter)

Photo credits: Bro. Gerard Parayno, Bro. Ernand Capisonda


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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