Daly City Chapter Anointing Day March 1, 2025

The Lord’s Flock (TLF) Daly City Chapter held their Anointing Day last March 01, 2025.

Sis. Jocelyn Deauno led the consecration rites of the leaders, coordinators, and workers to empower them with Holy Spirit as they proceed with their evangelization work and ministry services. Moreover, Sis. Milan Cornejo moderated the activity, while Bro. Richie Almendrala led the congregation in praise and worship.  The Chapter was particularly blessed by the visit of Sis. Mik R. Flores (TLF Head Servant) who shared her insights on the Word of God.

Her topic centered on the teaching: “God always uses the little that we have.” When we don’t have what we want, we will discover that God is all we need. Sis Mik used three stories from the Bible to illustrate this:

  • Elisha helped the widow who had only one small jar of olive oil (2 Kings 4:1-2).
  • A multitude of five thousand was fed through a boy who had five loaves of bread and five pieces of fish (Matthew 14:13-21).
  • David, a young boy, defeated Goliath, the stronger warrior (1 Samuel 17:50-53).

Thus, we must avoid being called “Christian brats” by asking God for all we want because God already provides everything we need.

Finally, the event culminated in fellowship over some snacks. Everyone went home feeling blessed in the knowledge that God will always be there in their time of need.


To God be the glory!



Written by: Cynthia Caballero

(Psalm Ministry)

Edited by:  Sis Vera I. Tuplano


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