The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community held a Concert of Prayer last November 23 at the Heritage Sanctuary right after the Saturday Praise & Worship. It is a solemn prayer collectively participated in by leaders and members of the community to seek God’s blessings, guidance, strength, and empowerment.
Psalm Ministry Steward Raymond Nobleza, moderator of the event, explained the sequence of the prayers: Opening Prayer, Intercessory Prayers, Warfare Prayers, Cycle of Prayers among small groups, and the Jericho March as concluding prayer.
The event started with the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament led by the Intercessory Ministry as Raymund prayed for the presence of the Holy Spirit.
The Execom leaders led each prayer. With faith, the assembly lifted the concerns of the community, alternating with worship songs by the Psalm Ministry. The Intercessory Prayers of the community included:
- Prayer for Elders-Founders, Leaders and Members
- Prayer for Missions
- Prayer for the Heritage Construction and Fund-raising Projects
- Prayer for the Transition Period of the community
- Prayer for Power to Witness
- Prayer for the New Generation
- Prayer for the Success of Events in the Lords Flock
Subsequently, the assembly fervently prayed the Warfare Prayers with conviction and with great power from the Holy Spirit. As believers and followers of Christ, the community believes that God has given them authority and power, “that we shall tread upon serpents and scorpions, and upon the full force of the enemy and nothing will harm us” (Luke 10:19).
On the other hand, the Cycle of Prayers, enables the members to lift their personal prayers through small groupings of five. Each one within the group prayed over the prayer requests in cycle. The prayer requests were collected later by the Intercessory Ministry to be included in their prayers.
The culminating activity was the Jericho March. This is inspired by Joshua 6:1–27 – “the walls of Jericho fell after the Israelites marched around the city walls once a day for six days, seven times on the seventh day, with the priests blowing their horns daily and the people shouting on the last day.” The Psalm Ministry led with praise songs while the participants circled around the Sanctuary chanting, dancing, and shouting with joy. They went around seven times to break down the “walls” (hurdles, trials, challenges) facing the community and the members. God will grant the prayers of the community if they are persistent in praying and obedient to His words.
Indeed, there is nothing impossible to God.
To God be the Glory!
SCRIBES Ministry
Written by: Gracia Victoria
(Holiness/Intercessory Coordinator)