Bakersfield: Spirit Empowerment Seminar (Elder’s Mission USA, Part 2) November 2, 2024

The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community’s Elder-Founder Techie ‘Soar’ Rodriguez was back in Bakersfield to facilitate this year’s edition of the Spirit Empowerment Seminar (SES). It was held at the St. Francis Parish, which was bustling early on Saturday, November 2, 2024. The members of the Bakersfield Chapter were at the venue very early as they checked the equipment, prepared the food, and welcomed the guests as the sun began to chase the chill away. They led the attendees in praise and worship and calmed the jitters of guests who were new to this type of church activity. They came to listen to the teachings of ‘Soar’ and renew their relationship with the Lord.

Upon the arrival of “Soar,” the leaders and members of both the Bakersfield and Los Angeles (LA) Chapters excitedly greeted Soar and presented her with flowers; they also eagerly took pictures with her to commemorate the event.


Soar immediately started the Spirit Empowerment Seminar with a prayer and a video introduction of the Lord’s Flock. She shared her story of transformation; she also recounted how she met “Tatay Bobby” Rodriguez in her youth, the struggles in their marriage, and the pivotal moments in their life. Furthermore, she explained how the charismatic movement and her renewal changed the course of their lives.

After lunch, the attendees were clustered into small groups to share their takeaways and insights on the morning’s topic. Each table had a representative to share their discussions with the larger group.

Subsequently, Soar explained that the Holy Spirit is the guiding force in their lives and how they should move in harmony with Him; she used two people who walked back-to-back to illustrate her message.

The highlight of the day was the attendees’ Baptism in the Spirit which Soar facilitated; the entire congregation prayed over them. Some of the participants shared their testimonies about the experience. They were filled with blessings and returned home with a newfound love for the Lord.

The evening concluded with a Thai dinner. The core groups of Bakersfield, LA, and Soar’s mission team enjoyed the fellowship and cheerful conversations. Soar had a meeting with the leaders before heading back to LA, where she will begin preparations for the International Retreat the following week.

It was indeed a spirit-filled weekend for the two Chapters who brought new members to the fold; moreover, they had a meaningful catch-up with Soar and one another.


To God be the Glory!

SCRIBES Ministry

Written by: John Ramos

(Steward, Bakersfield Chapter)

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