A Visit to the TLF Rome Chapter December 29, 2024

The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community set up a chapter in Rome, Italy at the Parrocchia Assunzione di Maria Parish during Sis. Techie “Soar” Rodriguez Europe Mission last August-September 2024. Soar had met with Fr. Rene Enod Silga who agreed to host the Chapter in his parish. Thus, Soar conducted Spirit Empowerment Seminar last September 1, 2024. When she learned that the Advincula family was going to Rome on the last week of December, she instructed Jess Advincula (Heralds Ministry) to visit the Chapter and deliver a follow-up teaching.

On December 29, after Sunday mass, Jess and Jo Advincula (Scribes Ministry) traveled to the parish in Viale Spartaco (14 train stops from the city centre) where the members have their regular praise and worship.  There were ten 10 attendees including Fr. Rene and leaders Nimfa Banag, Alex Fernandez, and John Marcelo.  Jess shared a teaching on the TLF community life and an overview of the TLF Core Values.


Subsequently, Fr. Rene celebrated a holy mass in Filipino. He shared insights on the feast of the holy family and how Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are the models for today’s families. To everyone’s surprise, he also officiated an impromptu renewal of marriage vows in Italian language for Jess and Jo Advincula. Indeed, this was an unexpected blessing!

The mass was followed by a fellowship dinner in one of the function rooms beside the church where they exchanged stories of life in Roma.


Separately, a courtesy visit was also made to Fr. Harold Toledano at the Gesu y Maria Church, where the Mission Team had stayed for a week last Aug-Sept.

Truly, as Bro. Froilan Hong calls it, the vacation-mission was an opportunity to touch base with a newly formed chapter.    

To God be the glory!


Scribes Ministry

Written by:

Jo Advincula

(Steward, Scribes Ministry)


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