Empowered Life: Spirit Empowerment Seminar October 27, 2024

An invitation was sent by The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community (TLF) for a one-day Spirit Empowerment Seminar (SES) held last October 27, 2024.  The Seminar’s purpose was for the participants to discover and find their purpose and experience an empowered life in Jesus.

At the onset of the Seminar, an icebreaker was introduced by the moderators, Raymund Nobleza (Psalm Ministry) and Cheska de Castro (Youth Leader).  The TLF primer was shown which showcased the various TLF Chapters in the Philippines and abroad.  It also featured TLF elder-founder Sis. Techie Rodriguez or “Soar” as she is fondly called in the Community.   Praise and worship followed which was led by Bea Baclig (Psalm Ministry).


Soar gave a brief introduction wherein she asked the seekers how they come to know about the SES.  Were they invited or coerced? Did they read the announcement on Facebook, or did they come of their own accord?  She explained that in John 15:16 “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you may bear fruit.” Thus, their attendance was not a coincidence. They were called and chosen by God.


She went on to explain that knowing God and knowing about Him are two different things. One way to know Him is through the Bible.  She quickly segued to tell the story of her life before her renewal and her turbulent marriage to elder-founder Bobby Rodriguez or Tatay Bob as he is known in TLF. They were always at odds with each other to the point that Soar was contemplating to file a divorce and go to the United States where her mother and siblings are permanent residents.  Tatay Bob on the other hand was always involved in accidents, but he miraculously escaped from the wreckage unscathed. However, when they both decided to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, to love Him unconditionally and to serve Him, God changed their hearts, and they had forgiveness and reconciliation.  This was only possible with the grace of God.


In the afternoon session, Soar again shared that when they “died” to their old life and decided to follow God, they developed a meaningful and personal relationship with God. They realized that throughout their ups and downs, God was always there protecting them.  God had a purpose and His Will always prevailed. She also began to ask for forgiveness from people that she hurt.


Soar explained the main teaching on “The Four Basic Truths.”

  1. God loves us, and He has a wonderful plan for all of us.  Jesus wants us to have a real and personal relationship with God.  He gave us free will to choose; we must choose life; we must choose light. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).
  2. We were separated from God because of sin. “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). We lost God when we sinned, but He gave us value when He redeemed us.  And when He forgives our sins, He does not remember them anymore.
  3. There is no other salvation except through Jesus. “I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes through the Father except through Me” (John 16:6).
  4. Accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. “And everyone who calls on Me will be saved” (Acts 2:21).


Baptism in the Holy Spirit   

The culmination of the Seminar was the Baptism in the Holy Spirit which was led by Lulu Perele (Heralds Ministry). This paved the way for the seekers to receive God in a very special way. God sent the Holy Spirit as everyone’s helper, to meet their daily challenges.


Supernatural Aftermath

Bro. Froilan Hong (TLF Co-Founder) talked about the “Supernatural Aftermath” of their Baptism:

  1. Begin to thank God for everything.
  2. Pray in times of difficulties.
  3. Delight in studying the Word of God through the Bible. God speaks through the Bible.  There is no feeling of being unworthy and they can ask Him anything.

Eucharistic Celebration

The Seminar was concluded with a Holy Mass which was officiated by Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Alfante.  He extended special blessings to all the participants.


To God be the glory!


SCRIBES Ministry

Written by: Cynthia Caballero (Psalm Ministry)


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