TLF Outreach Event at Hospicio de San Jose- September 20, 2024

The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community’s conducted an outreach program at the Hospicio de San Jose on September 20, 2024. This event was organized by the Good Samaritan Ministry, led by Elena Garcia and Baby Salazar (Stewards), along with the Touch Ministry, headed by Ronie Ongteco and Mission Samaria led by Joy Valde and Small Group (SG) Peace 5 with SG Leader Lani Mallorma.


Hospicio de San Jose first opened its doors in 1810, and provided refuge to the city’s homeless on Arroceros Street. In 1935, it began admitting niños expósitos, or abandoned babies who were discreetly surrendered by parents unable to care for them. In 1865, the Daughters of Charity assumed management at the invitation of Doña Margarita Roxas de Ayala. By 1910, Hospicio de San Jose housed more than 800 wards, including orphans and the elderly. From 1975 to 1978, it was officially registered with the Philippines’ Securities and Exchange Commission and accredited by the Department of Social Welfare and Development as a child-caring agency. Currently, it cares for 166 orphans and 49 elderlies.

The Outreach Program

The Lord’s Flock program started with joyful songs and an opening prayer led by Elena Garcia.   To start the activities, the seniors were invited to sing; in particular,  Nanay Delia and Nanay Nena joined the ministry in singing and  they spread joy to everyone.

The Touch Ministry, led by Ronie Ongteco, facilitated the healing session, anointed the elders’ foreheads with oil and offered prayers for their good health and healing.

Joy Valde from Mission Samaria led the blessing of the food. Generous donations  included groceries (such as canned goods, milk, biscuits, pasta and sauce, cooking oil, sugar, laundry detergent, fabric conditioner, shampoos, and lotions), diapers, rice, and cash contributions; these were provided by Peace 5 and 6, Mr. and Mrs. Santelices, Mission Samaria, and an anonymous donor.


The outreach at Hospicio de San Jose was a truly memorable experience. The elders were kind-hearted, and evidently longed for companionship; they cherished every moment of connection. One elder even mentioned that they wished the ministry had arrived a bit earlier so they could have spent more time together.  The smiles and gratitude from the elders made it clear that even small caring initiatives can leave a lasting impact.


To God be all the Glory!

SCRIBES Ministry

Lizel Narvaez

(The Good Samaritan Ministry)

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