Harvest Class: Foundation Topic October 05, 2024

On October 05, 2024, the Harvest Class members gathered at the 5th Floor Pastoral Area of The Lord’s Flock (TLF) Catholic Charismatic Heritage Center for their weekly Foundation Topic.  Harvest 1, 2, and 3 covered the topic “New Man, New Tongue” while Harvest 4 listened to  “Core Values 5, 6 and 7 –  Spirituality, Integrity and Faith.” The Foundation Topic classes aim to develop a Christian perspective in the members’ day-to-day living with Jesus Christ and others.

Harvest 123: NEW MAN, NEW TONGUE

Nol Sioson (Steward, Brethren Ministry) demonstrated to the Class the power of the “tongue” (e.g. a spark of a passing train can cause a forest fire; similarly, a careless or evil tongue can destroy people). Though the tongue is a small part of the human body, it has great power to build or destroy.

As renewed Christians, God expects His people to guard their tongues because what they speak reflect their values and what’s in their their hearts  (Matthew 13:34). A tongue which is under control is evidence of spiritual maturity; furthermore, if their tongue is controlled by the Holy Spirit, then every other aspect of their lives will be under the Spirit’s control.

Nol guided the Class on how to master the use of their tongue:  1. they should know when to speak (there is a time to be silent and a time to speak); 2. what to speak (correct words to say); and 3. how to speak (gracious and kind). The process takes time and requires effort and discipline.

After the powerful talk, groupings followed to allow members to share their personal experiences with the power of the tongue. One member emotionally shared a recent experience that caused him to be outraged, but as a renewed Christian, he was prompted by the Holy Spirit not to speak bad words and to control his emotions. He witnessed that the Holy Spirit was at work in him at that very moment!

Harvest 4: Core Values #5, 6and 7– SPIRITUALITY, INTEGRITY, AND FAITH

Core Value 5- Spirituality

Chi Macatol (Heralds Ministry) explained that Spirituality is developed by regularly investing time in prayer and studying the Word of God. This gives a sense of purpose and meaning to their lives.

She explained the importance of prayer, as modeled by Jesus. They must pray all the time. It is their way to communicate with God (talking and listening to Him). The more they pray, the more they develop a strong relationship with God. Prayer time is encouraged to deepen their spirituality.

Core Value 6- Integrity

Subsequently, she explained that “Integrity” is the mark of every true Christian; it exhibits the obedience and practice of the moral code of ethics, morals, values, and precepts from God’s Word. It means standing in the principles of Jesus and staying committed to these principles.

Core Value 7- Faith

Lastly, Chi passionately explained “Faith” as the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1).

She expounded the three (3) elements of FAITH that can not stand alone:  (1) Believe – “Do not let your hearts be troubled” (John 14:1);  (2) Expect – “Whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours” (Mark 11:34);  and (3) Trust “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, on your own intelligence do not rely” (Proverbs 3:5).  These elements of Faith were present in the lives of Noah, Abraham, and Moses.

Chi ended her talk with 1 Corinthians 10:31, “Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God.”

Truly, the Harvest Foundation Topics continuously deepen the member’s spirituality and connection with God.

To God be the Glory!

SCRIBES Ministry

Written by:

Chay Arevalo (IT-Steward)

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