Harvest Class: Foundation Topic  September 14, 2024

On September 14, 2024, the Harvest Class members gathered at the 5th Floor Pastoral Area of The Lord’s Flock (TLF) Catholic Charismatic Heritage Center for another Foundation Topic. The focus of Harvest 1, 2, and 3 was “Live Within Your Means” while Harvest 4 concentrated on  “Core Values 3 and 4, Obedience and Stewardship.” The Foundation Topic aims to guide the members to a meaningful and healthy spiritual walk with Jesus Christ.

The gathering started with the communal praying of the Holy Rosary followed by praise and worship.


Jess Advincula (Heralds Ministry) quoted Deuteronomy 8:18 to teach the Class the Christian perspective on wealth: everything they have is from God, including their power and ability to acquire wealth. Having this in mind, he made it clear that they are just stewards and not owners of the wealth entrusted by God to them. God expects this wealth to grow and be used according to His purpose.

Jess presented the Parable of the Tenants (Matthew 25:14-20) to teach them the importance of stewardship because good stewardship pleases God; He gives more to those who do well and takes all from those who do not.

Finally, with his profound explanation of wealth from a Christian perspective, he gave the Class pointers on how to manage their wealth so as not to spend beyond their means (e.g. do not focus on others, do not spend to impress, do not succumb to “when and then” thinking, etc.)

Harvest 4: Core Values # 3 and 4– OBEDIENCE AND STEWARDSHIP

In a separate room, Nol Sioson (Steward- BRETHREN) thoughtfully explained to Harvest 4 Class the values of OBEDIENCE AND STEWARDSHIP to deepen their relationship with God.

Core Value 3: OBEDIENCE

Nol defined OBEDIENCE as doing what God says immediately until what He says is accomplished; If you love me you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). Obedience to God, without delay, activates the flow of His blessings to them (Leviticus 26:3-13).

She taught them that obedience to the Elder’s governance of the Community, The Lord’s Flock, and other authorities (government leaders, school authorities, parents, etc.) also reflects their obedience to God (Hebrews 13:17, Romans 13:1 ff, Eph 6:1-3). Thus, they must follow and obey.


Nol started her talk with the truth that “Everything is owned by God.” They are merely stewards of God-given time, talent, treasures, family, work, and responsibilities. Therefore, their role as Christians is to use them in a manner that honors God.

After the talks, the class had break-out sessions to discuss their respective learnings on the topics:

  • Harvest 1, 2, and 3: how will they live within their means by applying their learnings?
  • Harvest 4: what difficulties do they encounter in “Obeying God’s words”?

Truly, the Harvest Foundation Topics help the members become stronger and faithful Christians.


To God be the Glory

SCRIBES Ministry

Written by:

Chay Arevalo (IT-Steward)

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