The three-day Global 2033 Leaders’ Summit 2024 was held at the Lord’s Flock Heritage to prepare for the 2000th year celebration of mankind’s salvation and redemption.  The Lord’s Flock Psalm Ministry started the day by leading the joyful singing followed by a recap of Day 2 and opening worship led by Ms. Clarissa Martinez of the Diocese of San Diego, USA. The third and last day of the gathering of leaders focused on the “Consortium of Leaders – Commissioning.”

Session 8: EMERGING PATHWAYS FOR MAKING DISCIPLES – The Global Perspective on Synodality and Collaboration in the Church

The Most Rev. Simon Poh Hoon Seng, Archbishop of Kuching Malaysia, joyfully discussed the topic: “Discipleship and Mission – Steps in Evangelization.” He started by presenting Matthew 28:19-20 (The Great Commission) to go, make disciples, baptize, and teach. He illustrated in detail the Six Steps of Evangelization – becoming disciples (keeping Christ at the center), befriending people (a dialogue of life and action), sharing my story, sharing Christ’s story (proclaiming the Gospel), inviting others to conversion, and integrating converts into the community.  He also introduced the “whispering of the Gospel of Jesus” to others.  To whisper, one should be beside another person or in circles of friendship.


Eucharistic Adoration

A 20-minute Eucharistic Adoration was presided over by Rev. Fr. Bernard de Terves, MEP, Secretary General of Global 2033.  This was a moment of silence, personal reflection, and conversation with Jesus Christ.


Personal Commitment to Great Commission and Great Commandment – Creation of Mission Statement as Fruit of the Conversation in the Spirit

Summit Emcee Rita Dayrit facilitated the Conversation in the Spirit. After a revelatory experience and discussion of insights, each representative of the 18 groups shared the results of their discussion.


Presentation Of 2033 Roadmap And Next Steps

Ms. Sabina Capello-Lee started Session 10 by reiterating The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and The Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40) and their interconnection.  Moreover, she introduced a simple and easy way of embracing and obeying the Great Commandment and the Great Commission in our lives; the three steps of evangelization and making disciples: the Pray–Care–Share.  This is to pray for 5, to care for 5 (demonstrating God’s love), and to share with 5 (communicating the Gospel).  She explained further that praying for others leads to opportunities to demonstrate God’s love which opens the way to share the Gospel.

Mr. Henry Capello, International Director of Global 2033 reiterated the statement of Cardinal Advincula that, members of the church should start sharing the Gospel wherever one is planted as a mission field. He also mentioned evangelistic tools in different languages that can be share with others – an app on Ultimate Relationship ( and films on Jesus (

(photo credits: Global 2033 Philippines)



Fr. Enrico Emmanuel Ayo gave a summary of the result of the discussion in Conversation in the Spirit as presented by the 18 group representatives which can be summarized into three things:

To be a more authentic witness of the Gospel, the church needs to:

  • Ensure that the young feel that they have a place in the communion and vision of the church;
  • Help the family become the domestic church and also be the first school of evangelization; and
  • Transform some attitudes and practices of the clergy, laity, and consecrated so that the church becomes a more welcoming and listening church that gives and makes disciples.


The spirit-filled summit was officially concluded with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist concelebrated by Rev. Fr. Mark Demanuele, MSSP, Rev. Fr. Jason Laguerta, Rev. Fr. Bernard de Terves, Rev. Fr. Enrico Ayo.  In his homily, Fr. Jason talked about  “How to lead like Jesus: To remain like a child; to have Vision not Ambition, to have Courageous Sacrifice.” Fr. Mark proceeded to praying and commissioning all the Summit participants to share the Gospel in their respective circles.  Lastly, Fr. Jason extended the gratitude of the CBCP – PCNE to the Global Summit team,  to all the organizations who contributed to make the Summit a  success, and to all the participants from various dioceses and groups who sent delegates.

Finally, as host of the Summit, Sis. Techie Rodriguez (Elder-Founder of The Lord’s Flock) gave the closing remarks. She thanked her good friends, Henry and Sabino Cappello, who are continuously moving and are God’s gifts to the universal church. She also thanked the CBCP-PCNE for holding the Summit in the Lord’s Flock Heritage Center. She expressed that she was truly overwhelmed by the bountiful blessings bestowed upon everyone by the powerful and merciful God. Most importantly, she exhorted all to bring the good news that the Holy Spirit has conveyed during the past 3 days.


To God be the glory!

SCRIBES Ministry

Written by: Maro Anyog

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