The  Global 2033 Leaders’ Summit 2024, which was held at the Lord’s Flock Heritage, opened with joyful songs led by the Lord’s Flock Psalm Ministry. This was followed by a recap of Day 1 discussions and an opening worship led by Ms. Clarissa Martinez (Diocese of San Diego, USA). The 2nd day of the gathering of leaders and  influencers who are preparing for the 2000th celebration of Jesus resurrection was dedicated to “Listening To GOD and to Each Other. Challenges, Opportunities and Engagements.



Most. Rev. Pablo Virgilio David, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Kalookan and President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) delivered an impassioned discourse on the topic “Discerning Emerging Pathways for the Revitalization of Local Churches and Movements and Renewal of Societies in Asia.”

Bishop David cited Matthew 28: 19-20 and discussed in detail five (5) implications

1. Make disciples and baptize. The real basic requirement for baptism is not formal catechism, but conversion. Conversion is likened to awakening, by which one recognizes his calling to a totally new life. Discipleship begins with a personal encounter with Christ through an encounter that awakens faith and brings about a conversion experience.

2. Proclaim the good news. Most Rev. David cited Isaiah 52:7 which states that “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the one bringing good news, announcing peace, bearing good news, announcing salvation…” Furthermore, Pope Francis encouraged the Christian faithful to embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by joy. Pope Benedict XVI said that faith is the human response of love to the God who loved us first. Love for God is only a response to God’s love for us.

3. Discipleship: The Call to Christ. He challenged everyone to go out of their comfort zones of their parishes and institutions and respond to Jesus’ knocking at their hearts. People need to hear God’s voice through the faithful.

4. Conversion to Corporate Christ

Totes Christus” – is a call to communion with Christ, the Shepherd, to be  empowered to participate fully in His life and mission. The community of Disciples must grow into a community of Apostles.

5. Empowering the Laity

As members of the church, all serve society for the renewal of the world. The Laity may find it hard to take part in the Church’s corporate mission of shepherding the last, the least and the lost, if the Ordained define themselves as the “shepherd” and the Laity as the “flock.”  This culture of clericalism must be broken down. New and relevant ministries need to be created to address the need of the times.


This was followed by an open forum where young people affirmed some of the topics in their experiences in their dioceses in particularly in guiding the adolescents who are in  state of confusion. Someone cited the role of the clergy in channeling their energies and creativity to various ministries.


Eucharistic Adoration

A 20-minute Eucharistic Adoration was presided by Msgr. Bong Lo, LRMS. This was a moment of silence, personal reflection and conversation with Jesus Christ.


Session 5: A Group/Plenary sharing about the Method of Conversation with the Holy Spirit was facilitated by Mr. Teddy Toledo. They discussed the following questions:

  1. What call of the Holy Spirit can you hear for the Body of Christ in the Philippines as a step forward toward 2033?
  2. What will be your personal part in fulfilling this call?

A representative from each group then reported a summary of their group’s discussion.

Session 6: GLOBAL ENGAGEMENTS. Global Consortium and Collaboration

The Global 2033 International team of Fr. Bernard de Terves, Henry Capello, and Sabina Capello-Lee presented the following:

  • Global 2033 is a global consortium of leaders and organizations collaborating in missionary activity to revitalize Christian faith. It seeks to bring the gospel to everyone” (Pope Francis).
  • Three concrete strategies:
  1. Train the next generation to be effective missionary disciples and give them tools (Kerygma camp, a Bible Engagement app, Jesus videos, Children’s courses)
  2. Create a worldwide network of missionary leaders and foster collaboration (G2033 Summits in many countries, Retreat for Priests, Women in Influence Summits) .
  3. Collaborate with local leaders to integrate the G2033 vision into local context with cultural relevance. Encourage a Prayer campaign leading up to 2033: to pray at exactly 20:33 (8:30pm) to God the Father and invite the Holy Spirit.

Session 7: Women of Influence (WiNS)

Ms. Sabina Capello-Lee presented the initiative, Women of Influence Summit. She specifically mentioned God’s call for women to rise as Esthers and Deborahs in the Body of Christ, instead of being caught in fear. God created the woman to be the “helper” of the man (Gen. 2: 18). The concept of a woman as a “helper” to man has often been misunderstood. However, the biblical term of helper, the Hebrew “Ezer” refers to God (Psalm 54: 4, Psalm 33: 20, Psalm 115: 9, Psalm 121: 1-2) and connotes someone who helps another realize what cannot be realized alone. Thus, this elevates the role of women to one of importance.


Interspersed with the sessions and group discussions were fellowships and connections made during the lunch break and the snack sessions. Delegates from the Visayas, Mindanao and Luzon shared stories and learnings with one another and with the international visitors.


Most Rev. Jose F. Advincula, OP, Archbishop of Manila presided over the Eucharistic Celebration.  In his homily, he encouraged the congregation to let their hearts burn as they walk the path of prayer, listening and dialogue. He challenged everyone with three mandates: 1)  Just go… make disciples!, 2) Go together, 3) Go with everyone.

Indeed, it was a spirit-filled day of  collaboration and exploring new pathways for the revitalization of the church and the renewal of society.


To God be the glory!


SCRIBES Ministry

Written by: Te Florentino








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