“Founders’ Night” 35th Anniversary: Federation of Transparochial Charismatic Communities 14 September 2024  

The Federation of Transparochial Charismatic Communities (FTCC) celebrated its 35th anniversary,  “FOUNDERS’ NIGHT” on September 14, 2024 at the Manila Hotel Centennial Hall.    The FTCC was founded in the 1989 with the encouragement of His eminence Jaime Cardinal Sin+  and with Bishop Teodoro Bacani, Jr. as spiritual director.  The presiding elders and representatives of ten (10) charismatic communities came together in a spirit of unity and brotherhood to help renew hope in the country with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, amidst the tumultuous times after the Edsa Revolution and the coup d’ etats. The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community is proud to be one of the original founders/signatories of the FTCC,  and thus,   its Elders-Founders, Tatay  Bob and Sis. Techie “Soar” Rodriguez were among those given honor and recognition that evening.

Bishop Bacani led the Eucharistic Mass. After congratulating the FTCC, he encouraged “the transparochial communities to work unselfishly in greater solidarity, consonant with the church synodal way of living – working together, dialoguing together, listening to God together and thinking of the great mission of the salvation of the people for whom Christ died.”  Thereafter, current FTCC President Marcelo “Mars” Catan greeted the congregation and reminisced the beginnings of the FTCC. He also shared his thoughts on the future and three-fold mission as appointed by Pope Francis:   1) to share the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with all Catholics, 2) to help promote Christian unity, and 3) to serve the poor.  He ended his speech by honoring the founders for having planted and nurtured the seeds that will bear much fruit in God’s work of evangelization.


The special honoring of the founders of the FTCC and the founders of the active communities followed immediately. “Soar” looked resplendent in a glittering gown. She was an honoree as one of the founding elders of the FTCC and was also one of the past ten presidents.  She again received the honor as founder of The Lord’s Flock, together with Bro. Bobby Rodriguez and with Bro. Froilan Hong as co-founder.

Soar was happy to catch up with her long-time friends in the charismatic movement, Bro. Willie Nakar (Elim Communities), Bro. Vic Gutierrez (Ang Ligaya ng Panginoon), Bro. Vincent Crisologo (Loved Flock) and the leaders of the other communities.

Led by Bro. Froi and the Execom, TLF was well-represented and cheered for Soar.  Everyone also energetically joined in the finale joyful singing. It was indeed a proud moment for the Lord’s Flock to be in a large gathering of charismatic communities who are united in the mission to “share the baptism of the Holy Spirit with every Catholic!” – Pope Francis.


To God be the glory!

SCRIBES Ministry

Written by: Jo Advincula


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