Global Anointing July 7, 2024

The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community held its Global Anointing last 7th July 2024 at the Heritage Center Sanctuary. It was attended by the Community’s leaders and workers from all the chapters worldwide; those in Manila and nearby provinces filled up the the Sanctuary, while the others from abroad attended via zoom. The anointing was imperative to consecrate the workers to fulfill God’s work and win souls for Christ through the guidance of the Holy Spirit; it was also an opportunity to share significant updates on community initiatives, events and financials.

Gina Duran (EQUIP Ministry) cheerfully welcomed everyone and emceed the program. Bea Baclig and the Psalm Ministry led the praise and worship, accompanied by the Koros Ministry.


Elder’s Missions and Other Missions

The most recent missions of Sis.Techie Rodriguez (Elder-Founder) were reported to the Community.

  • Hong Kong Facing and Spirit Empowerment Seminar was held from June 7-11. She then went back to conduct a Leadership Training on June 30 – July 2.
  • She went on an unplanned mission to Cebu on June 21-24 to follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit. The mission aimed to revitalize the dwindling Chapter membership and conduct a Spirit Empowerment Seminar. The latter drew 100+ guests which amazed everyone given the short preparation time.


Two other missions were shared with the congregation:

  • Mel and Chebelle Velasco (EQUIP Ministry Stewards) shared their success in Europe last May 2024 in meeting parish priests and local leaders to secure agreement to establish LF Chapters in Bonn, Germany, Paris. They also met with the Palma de Mallorca (April – May) and Madrid (May – June) Chapters and conducted Foundation Topic classes and attended their weekly Praise & Worship.
  • The youth and singles delegation led by Grace Lomarda (Execom) and Grace Pancho (Evangelize Ministry Head Steward) reported on their learnings and experiences in Kuala Lumpur from June 23 – 26. They attended two conferences: “Transforming Parishes” and the “Alpha Regional Gathering.”


Small Group Reboot

Subsequently, Raymund Nobleza (Psalm Ministry Steward) shared the workshop findings and recommendations on the “Small Group Reboot” to strengthen the pastoral small groups.


What the Lord Has Done

As a regular feature, Bro. Froilan Hong (Co-founder) reported on the Community’s financials and the Heritage funds.

We are Made to Worship

Soar gave the highlight of the program with her topic “We are made to Worship.”  She reminded everyone that the Community’s Saturday Praise & Worship is a solemn activity, thus spiritual preparation is necessary.  She introduced a video tour of the LF Heritage wherein Bro. Froilan explained that from the foyer to the Sanctuary is a holy place.  She also shared the guidelines for praise and worship.



Praise and Worship

Finally, Soar led the congregation in praise and worship which created a spirit-filled atmosphere. As praise songs were played, Soar exhorted everyone to praise the Lord, verbalizing admiration for Him and what He has done in their lives.  She then asked the congregation to close their eyes and visualize themselves before the Lord; to feel His presence as they sang or listened to the worship songs.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Finally, the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament was solemnized by a parade of tambourines and flags. Worship songs were sung during and after the enthronement of the Blessed Sacrament. Everyone genuflected to honor God’s presence while solemnly singing the “O Sacrament Most Holy” hymn.


Indeed, being totally immersed in the state of worship elicited an overwhelming feeling of reverence that could hardly be described as tears fell on some members’ cheeks. It was a unique way of anointing the leaders and workers for the tasks ahead.


To God be the Glory!


Scribes Ministry

Written by: Jo Advincula

(Steward, Scribes Ministry)



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