Harvest Class: FOUNDATION TOPIC- July 6, 2024

On July 6, 2024, the Harvest Class members gathered at the 5th Floor Pastoral Area of The Lord’s Flock Heritage Center for another Foundation Topic. The focus of Harvest  Classes 1, 2, and 3 was Core Value #7- FAITH while Harvest Class 4 (the latest batch) was on their first topic, TLF Community and its Ten Core Values. The Foundation Topics teach and provide the members with spiritual food to sustain and strengthen them in their journey to their newfound life and faith in Jesus Christ.

The gathering started with the communal praying of the Holy Rosary followed by praise and worship.

Harvest 123: Core Value #7 – FAITH

Jess Advincula (Steward,  Sower Ministry) enthusiastically explained “Faith” as the realization of what is hoped for and the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). He further stated that faith has three (3) elements that cannot stand alone: (1) Believe (Do not let your hearts be troubled, John 14:1), (2) Expect (Whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours, Mark 11:34), and (3)Trust (Trust in the LORD with all your heart, on your own intelligence do not rely, Proverbs 3:5).  These three elements of Faith were all present in the lives of Noah, Abraham, and Moses.

In the present world, Jess candidly and effectively demonstrated FAITH through his inspiring, amazing, and God-centered personal experiences. He assured the Class that they can develop their faith by constantly hearing the Word of God and TLF is a great and abundant source.

After his encouraging talk, the members were grouped to share how the Community has helped them grow their faith and how they share it with others. Many shared that their faith in Jesus increased through hearing real-life testimonies of how the Word of God became alive.


Truly, faith comes from hearing! “Faith comes from hearing, by hearing the Word of God” (Romans 10:17).


Harvest Class 4- TLF Community and its Ten Core Values

Norma Ramos (Heralds Ministry) profoundly discussed TLF ways that members must integrate into their newfound life in Christ. These ways are: defining one’s Mission (to have a purposeful life), Vision (to give one’s life direction), and Values (to develop Christ-like character).


On a Community level, she explained that TLF’s Mission is to “Save God’s People.” This is capsulized in the acronym H.E.L.P. (Healing, Evangelization, Loyal Helpers Prayer Family and Pastoring.). On the other hand, its Vision is to “Bring them to Safety.” She then introduced TLF’s Ten Core Values (Love, Commitment, Obedience, Stewardship, Spirituality, Integrity, Faith, Tithes, Excellence, and Membership) which will be individually discussed in their succeeding  Foundation Topics classes.

In conclusion, the members raised their hands to God and promised to commit to Christian values over the worldly ways.

Truly, the Harvest Program is successfully developing committed and faithful workers for Christ.


To God be the Glory!


SCRIBES Ministry

Written by: Chay Arevalo

(Information Technology Steward)

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