Good Samaritan Ministry:  Outreach Program at the House of Refuge April 20, 2024

The Good Samaritan Ministry (GSM) conducted a heartwarming outreach program at the House of Refuge located in Project 8, Quezon City on April 20, 2024.  The event was graced by the participation of 20 dedicated members from Good Samaritan Ministry (GSM), Pastoral, Touch, and Communications Ministries. The Lord’s Flock members and the House of Refuge came together in a day filled with spiritual enrichment, engaging activities, and heartfelt service.

The day began with an opening prayer led by Tatha Borromeo, which set a reverent and uplifting tone for the activities that  followed.  Lina Garcia, steward of GSM, beautifully led the praise and worship songs which filled the space with a spirit of joy and unity.

Ms. Rachielle Ann Regencia, Coordinator,  provided an insightful orientation about the House of Refuge. She shared its mission and the vital services that it offers to the community. Following this, Aileen Francisco delivered the opening remarks and expressed deep gratitude for the opportunity to serve; she further emphasized the importance of reaching out to the community in the ministry’s efforts.


Throughout the day, a series of engaging activities were organized. These included storytelling sessions and interactive games led by Aileen Franciso, Baby Tapalla, and Jamaica Acebuche (from Harvest 1), which brought smiles and laughter to the children and participants. Ms. Rachelle hosted a special presentation which featured the talented children from the House of Refuge and  showcased their creativity and joy.


The Good Samaritan Ministry, supported by beloved sponsors, donated curtains and beddings for the twenty (20) children residing at the House of Refuge. Additionally, they prepared and served a delicious meal for everyone. Lourdes Gerola from the Touch Ministry offered the  blessing for the food, thereby ensuring that it was shared with gratitude and love.

As the event drew to a close, Anna Del Barrio from the Touch Ministry led a healing and closing prayer. This was followed by a cleansing prayer by Marlon Gerola  to purify the space, and to leave a peaceful and sacred atmosphere.

The House of Refuge gave a heartwarming message for the Lord’s Flock Community, as they expressed their appreciation and the impact of the outreach program on their lives. The event was indeed a significant success!

To God be the glory!


Written by: Lizel Narvaez

(Good Samaritan Ministry)



" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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