New Jersey Chapter: Renewal of Marriage Vows February 3, 2004

The Lord’s Flock NJ Chapter couples renewed their marriage vows in a ceremony presided by Fr. Ralph Siendo at the Our Lady of Victories Church. There were thirteen (13) couples, including some parishioners, who ignited their love for each other through this activity. The community celebrated with the couples on the solemn renewal of the pledge of love that they had at the time of their marriage.

During the renewal of vows, the couples declared their promises again, with hearts renewed and minds refreshed, in thanksgiving and in prayer to Jesus Christ. They were grateful to God for His blessings through the years, which sustained their life together. Fr. Ralph blessed the couples’ wedding rings with Holy Water, which symbolized their faithfulness and love for each other. They promised to be true in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, and to love and honor forever.

Shortly after the mass, a simple celebration was held at the Church’s basement with the couples, their families, and members of the Lord’s Flock Community. A sumptuous dinner was served and a token of appreciation and certificates of renewal were given.

As part of evangelization, the couples were encouraged to share the goodness of God in their married life, especially the couple who celebrated their 54 years together. The community was very glad that some guests committed to joining the Saturday Praise and Worship!

To God be the glory!

Scribes Ministry:

Written by: Nenette Catbagan

(Steward, New Jersey Chapter)



" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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