Elder’s Mission UAE (Part 7) FACING 2024 Dubai, February 18, 2024

The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community – UAE Chapter gathered with anticipation and excitement for the annual event, “FACING 2024,” at the Business Village, Deira, Dubai, UAE. This is the highlight of the visit of Elder-Founder and Vision-Holder Sister Techie “Soar” Rodriguez and the Mission Team.  “Facing 2024” recaps the accomplishments and blessings of the previous year, recognizes the untiring efforts of the leaders and workers, and culminates with the revelation of the direction for the year, “IGNITE 2024” and the appointment of the new team of Stewards and Coordinators.

The moderators of this momentous occasion were Kieth Walter Ayuso and Grace Malinao who welcomed the attendees and prepared them to witness this important activity. Soar headed the Parade of Banners of The Lord’s Flock UAE Leaders of 2023. The TLF UAE Stewards – Lourdes Inong, Paterno Inong, Agnes Pilapil, and Jennifer de Castro, followed by the TLF UAE Chapter Coordinators proudly displayed their banners and bowed to the founder.

 Subsequently, the UAE Psalm and Koros Ministries led an uplifting Praise and Worship, while Lourdes Inong formally opened the program by relaying a very inspiring message from Elder-Founder “Tatay” Bobby Rodriguez. This was followed by a captivating 3-minute video that showcased the beautiful transitions of the community’s FACING over the years. It showed the different themes from Reframe 2020, Innovate 2021, Pacesetting 2022, and last year’s  Rekindle 2023. Soar briefly spoke about these themes which were inspired by verses in the Bible.

Appreciation of 2023 Stewards/Coordinators & Special Awards

On behalf of the Founders and Board of Trustees of the TLF community, Soar acknowledged the dedicated 2023 UAE Stewards and Coordinators who played pivotal roles in reaching the community’s fullest potential of service to the Lord; each received a Certification of Appreciation. To the surprise of all, special recognitions were also awarded to workers for exemplary service. The Special Awards caught the chosen workers by surprise and they showed mixed emotions – some had big smiles while others cried tears of joy.

Honoring of the Elder-Founder

The recognitions continued as the TLF UAE Stewards, led by Paterno Inong, paid special tribute to Soar, for her unwavering commitment and leadership. Part of the tribute was a video showing the past year’s wonderful activities which created beautiful memories. Lastly, the KOROS Ministry, SINGLES Ministry and SOLO Leaders, and CANA Ministry enthusiastically performed their energetic dance presentations to honor Soar.

Elder’s Annual Report & Theme presentation

“Soar” presented the Annual Report for 2023, which provided a comprehensive review of the Community’s accomplishments, financial updates, and membership growth, as well as the Heritage’s construction progress and the Ministry Floor’s blessing. The TLF UAE community gained insight into the collective impact of their continuous support, and the majority was interested in joining the 300 pillars and other means to support the projects.

Thereafter, Soar switched to the topic of the TLF’s Vision. She emphasized that the Vision is the mark of the Community’s leadership; thus, leaders must share the same eyes and faith as their Elders. Then, she revealed the 2024 theme – “IGNITE2024!” Soar elaborated that what was rekindled the previous year must be raised to a higher level to ensure that the fire and passion for the Lord and His works are ablaze.  Everyone felt blessed and excited with this year’s theme.

Appointment and Consecration of 2024 Stewards and Coordinators

Another highlight of the FACING 2024 event was the announcement of the 2024 Council of Leaders. Soar requested everybody to be in prayerful mode for the solemn occasion before she started the appointment and consecration.  The new stewards/leaders were called to sign their Certificates of Appointment and knelt as Soar anointed them. Tears of joy and humility flowed down the leaders’ cheeks as they accepted God’s assignments for them.


As a fitting finale, the whole community filled the hall with jubilant singing and rhythmic dancing as they circled the hall seven times for the concert of prayer, the “Jericho March.” Finally, all the participants bowed their heads in prayer as moderator Kieth Walter Ayuso invoked the closing prayer.

The UAE FACING 2024 event left an indelible mark on everyone’s hearts and minds. It ignited everyone’s spirits and they were filled with renewed purpose and a shared vision for the flock.


To God be the glory!

Scribes Ministry:

Written by: Lalaine L. Acuña

(UAE Chapter)



" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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