Elder’s Mission UAE (Part 4): Praise and Worship with Soar, Feb. 16, 2024

The prayer gathering of the UAE Chapter of The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community took place on Friday at St. Mary’s Church in Oud Metha, Dubai. This evening held added significance as it coincided with a celebration honoring the esteemed Elder-Founder, Techie “Soar” Rodriguez, and the mission team. The Community was blessed by their presence and excited to receive teachings from the founder.

Praise and Worship


The Steward, Jennifer De Castro, skillfully guided the proceedings with grace and reverence, extending a warm welcome to the honorable guests. The Praise and Worship were led by Justin Pacquing; he was accompanied by the Dubai Psalm and Koros Ministries, who poured their hearts into the song and dance for the glory of the Lord. The blessed confines of Room 6 in St. Mary’s meeting room were filled by the three Chapters – Dubai, Ras Al Khaimah, and Abu Dhabi; additionally, there were visitors and online participants via Zoom.

Elder’s Teaching 

The inspiring teaching of Soar emphasized the aversion to delays. She encouraged the members and guests to place their trust in God’s timing, with the assurance that He will fulfill their requests in His perfect time. There are moments when prayers seem unanswered, yet this serves as a reminder that what is sought may not be meant for that moment; rather, God is preparing for the blessings that He will unveil in His perfect time., She urged everyone to maintain unwavering faith in Him, as His promises remain steadfast.  With her customary grace and wit, Soar left an indelible impression as always on all the attendees.

Exhortation and Announcement

Following the teaching, Tobit Flancia (Steward, New Gen) delivered a beautiful and inspiring exhortation on tithes and love offerings. She shared anecdotes about the challenges of committing to giving but emphasized that once someone wholeheartedly surrenders, in recognition that the Lord deserves everything, He will answer the prayers in His remarkable ways.

Sis Techie concluded the meeting with a closing prayer. As everyone bid goodbye to one another, they felt blessed by the presence and teaching of Soar. Once again, their hearts were ignited and all gave glory and praise to God.

To God be the glory!

Scribes Ministry

Kris & Kara Ayuso


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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