Mission USA: Las Vegas Chapter June 23-26, 2023

The Lord’s Flock Las Vegas Chapter was the last stop of Mission USA led by Sis Techie Rodriguez (Elder-Founder of The Lord’s Flock Charismatic Community). Accompanied by Bro. Froilan Hong (TLF Co-Founder) and the mission team from Manila: Sis. Judith Almendrala, Bro. Jesus, Sis. Jo & Bro. Jomel Advincula, she was particularly excited to conduct the Mission finale in the Las Vegas Chapter, where her brother and sister-in-law, Bro.Joey and Sis. Joy Molina, are the TLF Stewards. Her three-day mission comprised of the Spirit Empowerment Seminar (SES), Praise & Worship and Fellowship with all the members.

General Assembly-Praise and Worship

The first activity was at the Chapter’s Friday Praise & Worship, where Sis Techie spoke about “rekindling the passion for the Lord.” This is critical to address the people’s apathy and “comfort zone” that was brought about by the four-year pandemic. Just as the Church has called for Catholics to go back to masses in the churches to experience the sacraments, TLF members need to rekindle their passion for the Lord and go back to face-to-face activities as a charismatic community. After the teaching, Sis Techie and the team mingled with the Chapter members, re-connecting with old friends and getting to know new members.

Spirit Empowerment Seminar (SES)

On Saturday, June 24, the LA and Bakersfield Chapter Stewards (Sis. Janet & Bro. Arlo Dequito, Bro. Jimmy Esplanada,Bro. Jon & Sis. Marlyn Santos, & Bro. Gerard Parayno) came over to support Las Vegas Chapter and brought their candidate as well.  Sis. Joy Molina who enthusiastically welcomed the members and guests led the Psalm and Dance Ministries with worship songs. Indeed, our Lord brought 58 attendees to the Spirit Empowerment Seminar (SES), 12 of these were first time attendees. Moreover, Sis Techie introduced the SES by saying that Jesus Himself invited each one of them (Jn. 15:16) so that they could bear much fruit. However, everyone had to make a very important decision, i.e., to separate from sin, and become one with Jesus.  Moreover, the key is to know the Word of God, to be able to resist satan’s deceptions.

Sis Techie enlightened the participants about –

  • Charismatic Renewal that comprises the “charism” or the gift:” Enter His court with praises (Psalm 100), let the instruments praise and worship the Lord” (Psalm 150).
  • Empowerment of the Holy Spirit which encompasses the power of praise & worship, how God transforms/changes their lives.  Thus, their   life-changing decision results in their “re-birth” to be conformed to the likeness of Jesus (2Cor. 3:18).
  • The Four spiritual laws that govern the world: (1) God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life, (2) All have sinned and are separated from God, (3) Jesus is the only way to salvation, and (4) You must accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Simultaneously, Bro.  Froi led the continuous Intercessory binding and shielding prayers, with the leaders alternately praying  throughout the day.  God’s presence was manifested in the clouds with the image of Jesus hovering the Seminar venue.

Baptism in the Holy Spirit

The Seminar culminated with the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, and the day was significant as it marked their “spiritual birthday.”  Sis Techie led the group in affirming their belief in one God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus as Lord and Savior; conversely, they rejected satan and his evil ways.  Bro Joey Molina and the Psalm Ministry softly sang the soulful “Come Holy Spirit” as the seekers/guests reflected deep into themselves to seek forgiveness for their sins, forgive others, unburden themselves to God and invited the Holy Spirit to direct their lives moving forward.

After the intensely emotional segment, everybody rejoiced and cried out: “Jesus is ALIVE!” They were greeted on their spiritual birthday with a virtual cake and a birthday song.

Thereafter, Joey Molina facilitated the sharing of the participants’ experiences during the Baptism. The newly baptized brothers and sisters testified to the inner peace and joy that they felt.  There were many who broke down and cried; they thanked the Lord for His mercy and forgiveness of their sins, for the healing of their relationships, and felt the lightness in their hearts (gumaan ang pakiramdam, nabunutan ng tinik).  There were also a few who felt overwhelmed by the totally unexpected experience – when they felt some warmth all over their body (a manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s embrace). Overall, everyone felt blessed and looked forward to growing in God’s love.

Finally, Sis Techie recapped that there was a lot of healing of relationships in this seminar and they needed to let go because there is no problem so big that God cannot solve it. Moreover, just like babies who have to be fed milk to grow, each one also needs to be nourished with God’s word; they must seek His presence and cultivate a consistent prayer life.

Lastly, everyone rejoiced and danced with the truth that “Jesus is ALIVE!” A digital birthday cake was offered for the seekers’ spiritual birthday.


A celebration dinner after the SES was hosted by Bro. Joey and Sis. Joy Molina in their residence. The Las Vegas chapter mingled with Sis Techie, Bro Froi and the delegates from Manila, Los Angeles and Bakersfield over a feast of Filipino favorites.  They excitedly shared their thoughts about the successful seminar and were happy to get to know one another face-to-face versus the previous virtual/zoom meet-ups. A game of “Sequence” was hilariously enjoyed until midnight!

Finally, Sunday breakfast was nourishment for both body and spirit. Sis Techie opened the Manila teaching of Fr. Jojo Buenafe “The Mission is Still the Same.” Thereafter, she opened up the Alpha way of small group discussion and encouraged each one to share their thoughts about the Holy Spirit’s roles as Helper, Advocate and Comforter (“cum forti” which means with fortitude)

To God be the glory!

Written by: Bro. Froilan Hong &Sis.  Jo Advincula

Edited by: Sis. Vera Tuplano

(TLF Scribes Ministry)

(Picture Credits: Jess & Jomel Advincula)



" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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