Glory to Glory Christmas Festival

Written by: Sis Maria Adelia Sopungco (Scribes Ministry)


The Lord’s Flock Community, celebrated its 36th Christmas Rally last December 4, 2022, (Sunday) at the Heritage with a theme “Glory to Glory Christmas Festival.” It was a flourishing hybrid celebration attended by TLF members from various parts of the world. Everyone was excited/delighted as many came early before the scheduled call time. It was a whole day of joyous celebration divided into morning (A.M.) and the afternoon (P.M.) program of activities.


At 8 a.m., the registration already started. After an hour, Bishop Emeritus Teodoro Bacani officiated the thanksgiving mass with the lighting of the Advent candle represented by the Tapia family. One of the TLF Elders, Bro Bobby (Tatay Bob), who was in the US for a community’s mission, virtually delivered the annual celebration message. The next activity TLF’s version of “Family Feud”, (popularized on television) was hosted by the versatile Brother Raymund. Excited members from the Send and Pastor Ministries joined this game. Next was the Tik Tok challenge participated in by   Small World, New Gen and Senior members of the community. To add excitement to the morning’s program, there was a raffle draw. Moreover, youth members from “Tulay ng Kabataan” performed a lively dance number to officially close the morning’s event. Finally, the fun continued as members enjoyed a sumptuous meal served during the lunch fellowship at the Events Place.

On the other hand, the afternoon program commenced with the assembly and entrance parade of all the participants. Each group of performers joined the roll call chants and played their musical instruments as they were called on stage. Pastor Married came up on stage with their tambourines and chanted “Behold our God, Let His glory fill the earth!” Meanwhile, Pastor Singles and New Gen were called on stage with their drums and shouted “Rise and shine and give glory to God!” Similarly, the Small World cheered “Glory and praise to our God!” Further, SEND Local came up with their trumpets, chanting “Everything we do is for the glory of God!” Subsequently, they all sang   the final chorus “Gloria in excelsis Deo!”


Then, the Psalm Ministry serenaded them with Christmas carols which formally opened the afternoon program. Selected Singles from our global chapters executed a “Spoken Word.”


A group of talented kids from Small World showed their own rendition of the song “We are the World”. Pastor Married and Singles demonstrated a fascinating dance number from the musical play “Mama Mia”. Similarly, New Gen. also gave a fabulous dance number from the movie “I’m Singing in the Rain.”


The SEND Ministry exhibited their array of talents too. SEND Philippines did “Stayin’ Alive”; SEND US, and Canada presented “West Side Story”; SEND Dubai, Hong Kong, UK, Spain and Africa performed a Christmas MTV. A special song number was presented by the Youth and Singles of the Tarlac Chapter rendering their original composition entitled, “Ako Ang Kasama Mo.”



In addition, TLF-born kids performed a dance number, followed by the most awaited performance of the Execom to the tune of “Christmas Angels and Santa” and “Grease.”

It was indeed an impressive presentation of various TLF talents. Lastly, the Psalm Ministry together with the Chorale sang “The Realms of Glory.”  Truly, it was a fun-filled, joyous celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Looking back, our annual F2F (Face to Face) Christmas celebration was temporarily cut off for two years because of the pandemic. However, this did not stop our Elders, Soar and Tatay Bob, whose enormous faith kept the community intact. They would always seek God’s guidance as the community had gone through various challenges.

Finally, TLF community is no longer limited by distance because it has gone global. We as members of the community are being lifted up by our Lord every year from “Glory to Glory”.


To God be the Glory!


Edited by: Sis Vera I. Tuplano, Scribes Ministry






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