Lenten Recollection 2022: Near the Cross

Lord’s Flock Heritage Center, April 13-15, 2022

By: Krishy G.Ong, Deputy Head Steward, Evangelize Ministry
and Ma. Vera I. Tuplano, Steward Baruch Ministry (editor)

The Holy Week: Near the Cross


So, it is written that the Christ would suffer and on the third day rise from the dead (Luke 24:46).

Lent is one of the five seasons of the Catholic liturgical calendar, along with Advent, Christmas, Easter, and Ordinary Time. It is a solemn period of prayer, fasting and almsgiving, a time to reflect on Christ’s suffering on the Cross, and His joyous resurrection in Easter, a manifestation of His immense victory over death.

Lenten Recollection takes place from Holy Wednesday to Good Friday. Finally, Easter Sunday is celebrated with a traditional salubong and the Easter Sunday Mass. This year’s Recollection “Near the Cross” encourages everyone to come to Jesus’ Cross, where His salvation brings peace, purpose, and hope.

Highlights of the Lenten Recollection
A. Holy Wednesday: In the Cross, All Find Redemption by Bishop Ted Bacani

  1. We are God’s masterpiece and the climax of His creation. When we were lost, God came to seek and save us (Luke 19:10). The story of the Prodigal Son, a narrative of the Father’s mercy and compassion brought repentance to a profligate son. This is an analogy of God’s love for us, as He waits and watches eagerly for our return and accepts us wholeheartedly and rejoices in our repentance (Luke 15:7).
  2. God has never given up on us. We were redeemed by the sinless, spotless perfection of Jesus Christ’s blood, the ultimate price of God’s immeasurable love for us. Thus, God the Father manifested His great love by allowing his Son to suffer immensely on the Cross.
  3. Come to me near the Cross. We are His sons and daughters. He sent the Spirit of Christ into our hearts because we are no longer slaves, but we are God’s children (Romans 8:32). We need not pretend before God because He wants our sincerity in being with Him.

B. Maundy Thursday: Mary and the Cross by Father Ferdinand “Bong” Guerrero

  1. Mary was not nailed on the Cross but had lived with the Cross. In spite of being blessed among women, Mary the mother of Jesus experienced pain and suffering. She endured all her sorrow, put her hope in God, and believed that God’s way was the only way to salvation.
  2. The Seven Sorrows of Mary:
    a. Prophecy of Simeon (Luke 2:25-35)
    b. The Flight into Egypt (Mt. 2:13)
    c. Search for the Child in Jerusalem (Luke 2:46,48)
    d. Mary meets Jesus on His way to the Cross (Luke 23:27)
    e. Standing at the foot of the Cross (Jn. 19:25-27)
    f. The Crucifixion and Descent form the Cross (Jn. 19:38)
    g. Assisting at the Burial of Christ (Lk. 23:55-56)
  3. Blessings come with a Cross. When bad things happen, we should emulate Mama Mary by becoming a better person who has instilled a stronger faith and resilience amidst trials. In life, we will fall and fail, but God requires us never to give up.
  4. Jesus gave us Mama Mary. She is our mother who experienced a multitude of sorrow- a reminder of our own sorrow. However, God gifted Mama Mary to us to realize that God through Mary is our intercessor in every life’s battle

B. Maundy Thursday: Journey to Come Closer to God’s Heart by Father Jerry Orbos, SVD

  1. Conversion
    a. Journey from Head to Heart. This is considered the longest journey because, most of us worry about life, health, money and etc. But do we really need to worry? Let us reflect and find peace in God by giving Him our unwavering trust and not leaning on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). Let us always ask grace from God that we may not overthink and give us the obedience to surrender everything to Him.b. Journey from Hands to the Heart. As God blesses the works of our hand, we also increase the love in our heart. When God raises our standard of living, we too must raise our standard of giving. Let us use the grace given by God through living a meaningful life.c. Conversion is in the heart. Never give up. God does not give up on us.
  2. Spirituality is strong. It is better to be presumptuous of God’s love than to doubt it. As Christians we must develop a solid and strong relationship with the Lord.
  3. Change our mindset before they become bad habits.

B – alik Panginoon (Confession of Sin)
A – lis Galit (Forgiveness)
G – awa Mabuti (Share)
E – xpress your Love
T – anggal Bisyo (detachment from worldly things)
S – acrifice (offer time to the Lord by praying more and fasting)

B. Good Friday: Near the Cross by Sis Techie “Soar” Rodriguez

  1. In the modern world, the Cross has turned into an iconic image worn on chains around the neck, fashioned on chocolate candies, sewn on clothes, tattooed around the body to remind us the Cross has pervasively persisted through the years.
  2. The Cross demonstrated the forgiveness of Jesus and His tenderness to His mother. Though he was nailed on the cross, he spoke tenderly to his mother. He truly forgave the thief who was with Him at the Cross. Hence, the Cross showcased the deepest expression of God’s love for all of us and his demonstration of utmost forgiveness.
  3. The different witnesses at the Cross demonstrated varied reactions. Some mocked and humiliated Him (the passersby); many questioned His power (teachers of the law) but there were those who showed their unfailing love for Him.

3.1 John the Beloved was one of the apostles who refused to spend an hour of prayer during Jesus’ agony, but he stood at the foot of the Cross to witness the Lord’s death as sacrifice for sin to overcome the world (John 16:33). As Christians, we tend to hide and run from God when things get tough, but we forget that He only wants our presence so He may fulfill His perfect will in us (Romans 12: 1)

3.2 Mary knew from the start that her Son would die on the Cross purposely to redeem us from our sins to gain access to heaven. May we emulate the beautiful example of Mary’s kindness, obedience, humility, purity and love. May we always be prompt in saying Yes to God’s calling.

3.3 Magdalene was once possessed by 7 demons but she believed and understood the power of Salvation in Jesus (John 10:10). Looking at the cross, Magdalene witnessed the price that our Lord Jesus Christ had to pay to restore us. God will never get tired of searching for the lost, but every time we turn our back on Him, we crucify Him once again. Evidently, a true commitment is not turning away from the Lord.

3.4 Simon of Cyrene. The passerby who helped Jesus carry the Cross (Mark 15:21) in the midst of a mob of strangers initially felt humiliated. Then something happened that completely changed Simon’s feelings. It is when Jesus spoke to the daughters of Jerusalem (Luke 23:28-31). It was the compassion of Jesus from His eyes and the unbelievable inner strength He displayed that touched Simon’s heart

3.5 Two Crosses that we too must carry:

    • Compulsory Cross. There is no life is without a cross that we must bear. As a follower of Jesus, we too should be ready to pay the price (Sirach 2:1).Trials may happen, but God never abandons nor forsakes us. When we are being tested, we learn to love, believe and have more faith in God. When we put Him first, we inherit eternal life with God (Matthew 19:29).
    • Honorable Cross-We should consider it fortunate when we experience trials. It proves that we are a joint heir to heaven. This is the cross that God wants us to carry, the Cross that will give glory to Jesus. How blessed we are when we persevere under trial, for we have received the crown of life that God has promised (James 1:12).

Grow closer to God through everyday crosses.
The death of Christ is not the end; it is the way and the beginning of a new life and hope. As we look to the Cross, we should be reminded that He is now alive in us. We should give ourselves wholeheartedly to Him, in the same way, when He offered His life for us so we may be saved. Let us ask grace from God that we will be able to take up our cross day by day, because through these crosses we can grow closer to God.


  • Are you ready to bear our Cross with joy and completely surrender everything to God?
  • Will you remain steadfast in our faith, resilient in our hope, and trust that God is always with you?

To God be the Glory!

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